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Sleepy Impressions: PUNCH LINE


With a name like PUNCH LINE, you'd expect an action anime, right? With lots of punching? well there's action of a sort in PUNCH LINE... just not the kind I was hoping for.

The name PUNCH LINE is actually a pun on the words "Pan Chira In", which means "Panty Shots are In". Why they turned it into a nonsensical pun, I don' know. In any case, this show is full of fast-paced panty shots, and has little other point.

At the beginning of the first episode, I was super excited because it really did look like it would be a normal action anime, and a damned good one at that. I was already comparing it to Tiger & Bunny in my mind while watching.

Then some kid goes Super Saiyan fromseeing one toomany panty shots, and without any explanation, his soul is pushed out of his body by someone else taking control of it.

That kid becomes the protagonist named Yuuta Iridatsu and turns into some ghost-like entity. A talking cat soul named Chiranosuke tells him to get an ancient Indian text to bring him back to his body,and the book containing the ritual is located in his house. Convenient. At least it would be if Yuuta could get to it without wiping out humanity.

Apparently, when Yuuta goes Super Saiyan from looking at panty shots, it causes an asteroid to hit Earth and kill everyone. But it's okay, because he can just go back in time to fix it. The laws of physics don't apply to spirits!

Yeah, i don't know either. I wasnt even sure how to write about this craziness when I initially watched it. Honestly, it's all too overwhelming for me, and I didn't even get to the magical girl named Strange Juice yet. I don't want to know what "juice" they are referring to.

I think the writer might've been on some kind of drug... I suppose some people with differing humour than me might like this show, but to me, it'sjust a big mess all over the place.

First Impressions: Poor

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