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Kantai Collection Game Review

A Japanese tactical browser game with moe battleships!



Kantai Collection, also known as KanColle, is a free Japanese browser game developed by Kadokawa Games. It was first released on April 23, 2013 as the browser game only, but now there are many pieces to the franchise, such as manga, a currently-airing anime, light novels, and even a tabletop RPG. There is a Playstation Vita game scheduled for release in May 2015 as well.



If you don't live in Japan, expect a lot of hassle in signing up for KanColle. Even if you do live in Japan, it can be a hassle, because you need to enter a lottery by refreshing at specific intervals in order to get an account. But, depending on how much you enjoy the game, it can definitely be worth it. Kancolle is a browser game, and you can't download a client for it on your computer. Thus, there is no offline mode; you can only play when you have an Internet connection. If you don't live in Japan, then you need to use a Japanese proxy, but there are guides for that and the lottery on the KanColle Wiki. KanColle is not really an action type battle game; you don't control any characters, you can only help them grow stronger and tell them where to go to battle. It's more of a strategy in that way, and tactical in the way that you use your Kantai Musume.

There are plenty of waiting times in KanColle, such as when your Kantai Musume are damaged and need to heal, when you are developing new Kantai Musume, or if you send your KantaClick and drag to move​i Musume on an expedition. It can be very similar to a typical app game in

that way. You automatically regenerate certain items over time, such as ammunition, so if you run out, you'll have to wait for that, too. You need to be careful of how you use your items so you don't waste anything.

KanColle can quickly become an addiction, for several reasons: the trouble you go through to get your account, the work you put into making your fleet as strong as can be, the waiting times that keep you coming back every now and then, and of course the moe aspect of your Kantai Musume. I swear I get withdrawals when it goes down for maintenance! They know how to make you get attached to your KanMusu.



Kantai Collection is a point and click type game. You don't use your keyboard. You don't control any characters to go forward, left, or right. You build a team of KanMusu (Kantai Musume) and send them into battle, where they battle on their own. Of course, you have to choose and build them up properly if you want them to win. There are many different ways you can do that, such as using your items to develop new KanMusu, training in single player or against other players' teams to get experience, or combining other KanMusu to increase your main KanMusu's strength... The most basic thing you must do to start off is develop KanMusu, as you only start with one, and you should always have a team of six (because you can). Then, you need to grind these KanMusu for experience on the map! If you beat a battle with an S rank (zero all their HP), there's a good chance you'll get a new KanMusu! You can use these KanMusu to rearrange your party or combine with one you have to make her stronger. It's up to you, but your choices influence the outcome of battle!


As far as strategy goes, it seems an awful lot like Pokemon. Much more moe, though. But there is one major difference that is important to note for new players! You cannot make selections during the battle. Your only influence on the battle are the decisions you made for training prior to battle. Keep this in mind before you go through all the trouble to register, because it can really be a doozy for foreigners to Japan to sign up, so make sure this is really the kind of game you want to play!

Once your KanMusu are damaged and need to heal from battle, you bring them to the docks to be repaired. The stronger your KanMusu is, the longer it will take her to be repaired, and this can take quite a bit of time. It's possible to buy extra docks with points, but those cost real money, so I tend to tough it out with the two default ones. You also need to give your KanMusu more ammunition and fuel to make sure they're set for the next battle, so don't forget to resupply them! Be careful not to let your favourite KanMusu reach 0 HP, or else you'll lose her forever! You can develop/win another one like her, but you'll still lose your stats that you worked so hard for!


I love KanColle, but I understand that it's not for everyone. It's a lot like those card battle apps you can get on your phone, but I think Kantai Collection is much better than any of those I've played. It's also comparable to trading card games, only much more automated. Before I played KanColle, the most noticeable thing to me was Shimakaze's design. I read a bit of the manga, too, and Shimakaze was in it, so I thought she was a main girl or something. Yet I haven't found her at all in the actual game, and most of the KanMusu are rather plain-looking. They often have their own personalities, though; like Naka-chan, KanColle's idol. Well, I suppose they make it that way so that you have to try hard in order to get the really cute KanMusu. If you want to play a game like KanColle, I recommend Valkyrie Crusade, an app for Android and iPhone. The trading card game Weiss Schwarz is also a fun game, and there are cards for Kantai Collection in it, so you can make your own fleet in cards. The KanColle Weiss Schwarz cards are only available in Japanese, but so is the KanColle browser game, so there's not much that can be done about that at the moment.



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