Annual AKB48 Draft Finalists Include 11-Year Old Girl
AKB48 is an idol group from Akihabara, Tokyo, which consists of over 100 members, currently. The group began with 48 members, which is...

Hanafuda History + How to Play Koi Koi
Have you seen this card game in anime? Did the red, yellow, and blue colour scheme stand out to you? Have you ever wondered what it is?...

The Difference in Price for Japanese DVD's & Blu-rays
Some anime is cheap, but we all know the good stuff isn't. Anime and its various forms of merchandise are so expensive that you could...

Visiting Japan's Otaku District Akihabara from your Home
If you watch a lot of anime, chances are you've heard of Japan's famous electric town, Akihabara, AKA Akiba for short. A hit among anime...